Знаете ли вы, что большинство людей вступают в IEEE в основном по
рекомендации коллег, преподавателей или профессоров? Поэтому очень
важно распространять приглашения. Это иной раз сюрприз для
получателя приглашения. Просто пригласите своих коллег на мероприятие
вашей локальной единицы IEEE. Письмо-приглашение может быть таким.
Sample Communications to New Member
I want to formally welcome you to your local IEEE network. IEEE has
over 300 local Sections worldwide to provide a more personalized
experience for our members, offering activities and events toilored
to the needs of our engineering and technical community.
The IEEE Russia Siberia Section will provide you with numerous opportunities to
meet other professionals who share your passion for technology.
I encourage you to join us at one of our upcoming Section meetings
and / or events. A schedule can be viewed at website.
It is an honor to be one of the first to congratulate you on joining
IEEE, and I look forward to meeting you in person. Do not hesitate to
contact me if you have any questions about your membership, and how to
participate in our Section.
<Name>, <Officer>, <IEEE Russia Siberia Section>, <Contact information>