Information Technologies of Standardization and Certification: Textbook / O.V. Stukach, D.V. Baranov. Second edition. – Tomsk: Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2007. – 195 p.
In this Textbook, classification of information technologies, characteristics and principles of information interchange is given. Safety issues of information technologies and designing of relational databases are studied. Application of information technologies in business-processes design are considered in details. Recommendations for application of information systems in the field of standardization and certification are presented. The textbook is recommended to students of following specialities: 072000 "Standardization and Certification" and 340100 "Quality Management" for studying a course "Information technologies of standardization and certification".
Textbook is recommended by the Siberian Regional Education-Methodical Centre of the High Professional Education for inter-university application as manual for course "Information technologies of standardization and certification" for students of specialities 072000 (200503) "Standardization and certification", 340100 (220501) "Quality management".
It is recommended for printing by Publishing Council of Tomsk Polytechnic University.
CHAPTER 1. The generals on information technologies
CHAPTER 2. Internet
CHAPTER 3. CALS-technologies
CHAPTER 4. Safety of information technologies and systems
CHAPTER 5. Methods of cryptology in the information technologies
CHAPTER 6. Credit cards
CHAPTER 7. Databases
CHAPTER 8. Databases of knowledge
CHAPTER 9. Systems of decisions support
CHAPTER 10. Network сomputer means of the group work
CHAPTER 11. Information technologies of management standardization
CHAPTER 12. Project Management
CHAPTER 13. Re-Engineering
CHAPTER 14. Systems of enterprise resources planning (ERP)
CHAPTER 15. Information technologies of quality management
In the last two decades the determining factor of economic and social development became transition from industrial to information society. New information technologies (IT) quickly change our world, directly influence productions, methods of the organization and development of society. By virtue of unity of the real world, new technologies of the business organization will penetrate into social, political, cultural, and other spheres of society, change ways of dialogue, business management and education. This technological revolution strongly influences not only business, but also on private and professional life. Internal complexity and limiting simplicity of application modern IT amazes imagination of everyone who daily faces with application IT in the professional work.
IT are the best example of standardization of business-processes, releasing time for productive creative activity of the person. Main advantage IT in modern conditions is shown in decentralization and increase of transparency of administrative activity that results in liquidation of the administrative knowledge monopoly.
In the given textbook IT are considered from the point of view of their application in standardization and certification as review of modern network technologies of transfer and information processing, protected document technology and designing of relational databases. The special attention is given to quality management, as to the main consumer and driving force IT. We are sure that the textbook will push you to long travel to the world of new economy, knowledge and managements, – in the world moving exclusively by information processing.
The manual is made according to the program of course "Information technologies of standardization and certification" and also may be used at studying similar disciplines of other technical specialities and directions of bachelors and master training. This textbook also may be useful for the broad audience of readers, especially for students and post-graduate students of technical specialities, and also to the engineers, wishing to increase they own qualification, to managers of all levels and all who does not think the future without information technologies.
Author of the textbook received following prizes at contests "The best textbook" -
Dr. Oleg Stukach
Tomsk Polytechnic University
30 Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia