Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Vladimir Karnychev, Oleg Stukach. "The art of scientific writing for post-graduates: practical tips" James D. Taylor. "Signal Chase" Oleg Stukach, Dmitry Baranov. "Information Technologies of Standardizing and Certification" Oleg Stukach. "The Signal and Parametrical Invariance of the Electron Devices"
SIBCON 2017 Proceedings, contents SIBCON 2016 Proceedings, contents SIBCON 2015 Proceedings, contents SIBCON 2013 Proceedings, contents SIBCON 2011 Proceedings, contents SIBCON 2009 Proceedings, contents SIBCON 2007 Proceedings, contents SIBCON 2005 Proceedings, contents, PDF SIBCON 2003 Proceedings, PDF SIBCON 2001 Proceedings, contents
Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young
Henry Ford