The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch
of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Tomsk IEEE Chapter

Advantages of IEEE membership

The AP/ED/MTT/COM/EMC Tomsk ChapterWhen you become an IEEE-member, you join the worlds most respected source of accurate, up-to-date information within the fields of electronics, electrical, power and computer engineering, applied physics, photonics and related sciences. This means you have a reliable source of information for your studies and your later professional life.

To keep abreast of a New Technology area, more than 3300 conferences, seminars, workshops and tutorials are held annually around the world, and can be attended by all members. Furthermore, the IEEE Transactions, Journals, Letters, Magazines and Proceedings are essential to researchers to make progress in their areas of interest as they provide archived publications that are of lasting value to the engineering community.

We are contacting all IEEE members in our industry in order to make an industry database for IEEE student members with internship, project and job offers. In addition, we will organize an industry-student meeting, where both parts can learn about each other's expectations.

Belonging to IEEE is a good way to build a strong network of colleagues, to foster technological innovation and to advance in its career. Being an IEEE member has another benefit on a professional level - it is the pride of being part of the most prestigous technical member society in electrical and computer engineering - in the entire world. On a more personal level, it is the reward of interacting with some of the finest people there are, sharing experiences, receiving the benefit of knowing the people who know – and will share with you.




The Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch promotes the scientific information, promoting the studying of English; assists a process of training and science development; actively participates in the IEEE activities. Also Tomsk IEEE Chapter hold the international events and conferences.
Comments about this website? Want to join the IEEE? Please contact Oleg Stukach -