The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch
of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Tomsk IEEE Chapter

MTT-S Chapter Chairs Meeting in Amsterdam in 2012

MTT-S Chapter Chairs Meeting in Amsterdam in 2012Annual MTT-S (Microwave Theory and Technique Society) Chapter Chair Meeting of Region 8 has been held on October 29, 2012 in Amsterdam in conjunction of European Microwave Week. Dmitry Zykov, Chair of the Tomsk Joint Chapter, was attended the event with more then 30 local IEEE chapter chairs and representatives. Common problems and main activities of the local chapters, it mutually cooperation were discussed.

MTT-S Chapter Chairs Meeting in Amsterdam in 2012Program of the meeting included welcome address from MTT-S president, from Region 8 Director-Elect, from general chair of the European Microwave Week. Then Daniel Pasquet, Region 8 chapter coordinator gave overview of the MTT-S activity. Mike Golio, MTT-S MGA administrator explined updates of MTT-S. policy. Among presentations of Chapters, the participants were involved in the open discussion concern activities of Technical Committees and relation between chapters, sections and societies. In conclusion all participants discussed best and worst practices of Chapters.

Всероссийский конкурс-конференция студентов и аспирантов по информационной безопасности SIBINFO-2014Participants of the Meeting: Svetlana Sheshukova (Saratov), Dmitry Zykov (Tomsk), Daniel Pasquet (France), Alexey Slobozhanyuk (Saint Petersburg).


The Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch promotes the scientific information, promoting the studying of English; assists a process of training and science development; actively participates in the IEEE activities. Also Tomsk IEEE Chapter hold the international events and conferences
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