The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch
of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Tomsk IEEE Chapter

ED Tomsk Student Branch

O.V. Stukach, "ED Tomsk Student Branch". In IEEE R8 Newsletter, vol. 7, N 1, January 2004, p. 18-19

ED Tomsk Student BranchThe traditional meeting of the Novosibirsk (NSTU) and Tomsk (TPU) ED Student branch chapters was held in Novosibirsk on July 15, 2003. The internship students from the IEEE Student Branch Twente, The Netherlands were invited. The first part of the meeting was coincided with a meeting of the IEEE Siberia Section.

The meeting was continued by a business luncheon, where problems of membership and activities of the IEEE Siberian units were productively discussed. A positive EDS role in the formation of our Section is especially noted. The Netherlands guests told about their branch activity. It was decided to continue contacts between our chapters.


The Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch promotes the scientific information, promoting the studying of English; assists a process of training and science development; actively participates in the IEEE activities. Also Tomsk IEEE Chapter hold the international events and conferences.
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