The IEEE website offers dynamic pages that contains all the details and information for every matter that concern IEEE. A search engine is also provided to find specific information. For example, more details on the IEEE Region 8 calendar can be found at An IEEE conference search engine is also available at
The IEEE also made a good presentation of the "IEEE services" that it offers from the different groups working at the IEEE. A free promotional materials you can find online:
The student branches are extremely important for the IEEE, that we was talked about in many ways. Most IEEE members became members as students. The IEEE has a lot of benefits for students who are doing research because of the Online Digital Library. If we focus our efforts on creating new student branches and having activities to involve them, our Siberia Section will grow. Once we have a lot of students, we can host conferences to make money for our section, draw the interests of industry to hire and train our students and more.
Region 8 always supported student activities and a lot of great ideas for the kinds of activities that our students will enjoy. You can contact with student activities committee from the Region 8 Student Activities website at