The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch
of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Tomsk IEEE Chapter

Report on the Dynamics 2016 Conference

International 10th biennial International Conference on Dynamics of SystemsOn November 15-16, 2016 Omsk State Technical University, Russia hosted the 10th biennial International Conference on "Dynamics of Systems". Like the previous Dynamics, this year's event was organized jointly by Tomsk IEEE Chapter and OmSTU. Also the Conference was organized under the technical co-sponsorship of the IEEE Russia Siberia Section. The conference was also supported by Omsk Region Government of Science and Education.

The official start of the Conference was the Opening ceremony held on November 15. After a welcome speech of Prof. A.V. Kosykh, the chairman of the Conference, the participants and numerous guests were addressed by staff of OmSTU and Omsk Region Government of Science and Education. Within the opening session a short plenary talk was given by Prof. Oleg Stukach, Tomsk IEEE Chapter.

International 10th biennial International Conference on Dynamics of SystemsThe main part of the Conference program included presentations of the scientific papers, some of which were invited papers, written by the renowned scientists from all over the world. The papers covered a wide range of topics united of common idea - dynamics of system.

The revision of the submitted papers was done by an international board of the Conference reviewers and the final selection was done by the Conference Program Committee. Total number of the papers selected for presentation was 144, 3 of which were invited papers.

International 10th biennial International Conference on Dynamics of SystemsAll papers scheduled for presentation were published prior to the Conference. The four-volume proceedings, accompanied by Journal and CD-ROM, were distributed to all registered participants. It is important to note that the Conference Proceedings, as an official IEEE publication, will be distributed by IEEE. All of the Conference papers in English was indexed in the IEEE Xplore database.

As the previous conferences, this year's event was not just a conference with presentations of scientific papers and exchange of experience, but also an event included many activities and meetings covering different important issues related to dynamics ideology.

First of the Conference additional activities was the round table "The Problem of Increase of the Publication Activities in OmSTU" by Prof. O. Stukach. The Workshop gave a view to modern problems of scientific writing and closely work with professional societies, networking, as well as quality of conferences. The second round table was devoted to work with WoS platform.

International 10th biennial International Conference on Dynamics of SystemsThe conference program was rich in the social events as well. There was suitable musical performance given by five famous artists of "Premier" group. Also a reception for invited authors in OmSTU museum was organized by SPC. On the second day, all interested participants has ad opportunity to visit the Omsk theatres and museums, as well as some parts of the city. But most of participants was not use the opportunity due low outside temperature (-33 degrees C).

This conference continued success of the series of previous "Dynamics" Conferences, providing good atmosphere for academic discussions, exchange of experience and further networking of the Conference participants. We would like to thank to all of the authors, members of the SPC and organizing committee, reviewers, sponsors, and all the others who participated in organization and in the Conference itself.

Siberian conference on Control and Communications SIBCON aims to offer opportunities to learn and to share information on the latest advances in communications and control systems. It is biennial event. The conference is organized by the IEEE on a regular basis in order to promote interdisciplinary discussion and interaction among scientists and engineers with an emphasis on the IEEE membership.
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