The Russia Siberia Section Meeting was held in Novosibirsk on March 21, 2003. The meeting was an opportunity for chapters' officers and other IEEE members to discuss the creation of the 300th IEEE section.
The meeting was organized by the MTT/ED/CPMT/COM/SSC Chapter Chair, Prof. Viatcheslav P. Shuvalov and chaired by Vasily Pribylov, Section Interim Chairperson. Fourteen Chapter Chairs, officers, IEEE members and guests attended the meeting. After the opening speech of Vasily Pribylov and appointment of Nadezhda Dvurechenskaya as secretary of the newly created section, an overview of chapters' activities was made by Prof. Shuvalov and Dr. Oleg Stukach. The Chapter Chairs summarized briefly the main activities of their Chapters. The SibSection Bylaws draft was discussed. The working group on SibSection web-site development was formed.
The activities starting from strategic planning through the details of present and future conferences were considered. Alexander V. Gridchin shared his information about preparations to 4th annual scientific workshop "Electron Devices and Materials", which took place on July 1–4, 2003. Michael G. Noppe informed all the attendees on the P-S student scientific contest conducted in Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU) jointly with Siberia State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (SibSUTI).
Very interesting and useful presentation by Dr. Stukach "Tomsk IEEE Chapter", was carried out, including report about Tomsk conferences and workshops 2002/2003. Membership development was one of the key issues in the program of meeting.
On behalf of the Siberia Section members I express our sincere gratitude to IEEE and Region 8 for valuable help and support in the creation process. We would like to thank personally Prof. Anthony C. Davies, Region 8 Director and Tracy Hawkins, Section/Chapter Support.