"Welcome!" "Zdravstvuite!" We would like to welcome all of you to the Tomsk Joint Chapter & Student Branch Website.
The Tomsk Chapter & Student Branch is a group of professionals, from academia and industry, as well as students, who are interested in all aspects of communications, radar, microwave, semiconductors, micro- and nano-electronics including circuit design, packaging, and novel device technologies.
In this era and age of the World Wide Web, it is inevitable that we reach out to our colleagues, especially students via the most common source of information to most of us, the Internet. This website contains all information about us – events and conferences, information for members and student members, papers and some fun photos and pictures. The site provides the best services to members registered in our Chapter as well as introducing non-members to the exciting world of the IEEE.
Here you will find useful information about our activities (events, conferences, courses, publication) that we make, as well as some of our history and achieved goals. We are aware of being in a dynamic world, where changes in technology, knowledge and culture are happening at an increasing pace, even more in the Science and Engineering fields. These changes obligate us to a quick and permanent adaptation. In this respect, the IEEE student branch has as its main goal, to give to the whole professional and student community the knowledge and experience that make possible the scientific and technical updating, satisfying the need to improve the professional qualities of The Science and Engineering Student, updating the teaching and learning processes directed towards the formation of globally integrated professionals. Highly skilled and firm to make decisions, open to new knowledge, achieving new abilities and skills. The Tomsk IEEE Chapter and Student Branch, calls to the most distinguished professional, institutions and Corporations nation and world-wide, to present the actual world trends, besides the global reality that we have to face as change and development boosters for our region and country.
The main motivation for our IEEE units is to build a platform for engineers and students in Tomsk, where we will be able to communicate
with industry while pursuing our studies. This will create enormous opportunity
for our members to learn more about industrial practices; understand better
about job markets and prepare ourselves for future professional life. To this juncture, we organize a string of
We mainly
concentrate on building a solid organizational base, creating traditions and a
steady flow of activities. We are equally concerned about increasing our
membership base through all the departments of the university.
I would like to congratulate all our members for their
support and cooperation in making this branch a reality today. Life is all about
sharing, friendship and working together. Let us make our units a
perfect platform for all these.
This website was designed with one main goal: to be a comprehensive online center for you to explore what the IEEE has to offer and also get in touch with us. We provide links, updates and a host of other interesting contents with the fervent hope that visitors would benefit as much as possible from what we have to offer. Besides that, we also provide the best way for student members to directly liaise with us, as well us linking you directly to the main IEEE website. These and many more you will discover as you take a travel through our website.
We would be ensure that we continue the excellence attained by the previous life of Chapter. For that, we are thankful for all of us who assist in our goal to promote the IEEE as a stepping stone for students to get to know the intricacies of engineering better and also assist them in attaining academic excellence.
Thank you for visiting our website. Do take the trouble to get to know the IEEE and us better. We hope that you will find this website beneficial and have as much fun navigating it as much as we enjoyed building it!