The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch
of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Tomsk IEEE Chapter
Oleg Stukach
Oleg V. Stukach Contact Information   Founder of the Tomsk IEEE Units
Chair of the IEEE YP Affinity Group of the Russia Siberia Section
Past Chair of the Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch

Winner of the Tomsk Region Prize in Field of Science and Education.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
220 papers are published, and three inventions are patented.
Organizer of All-Russian Radioengineering Contests since 1994 and International Scientific Conferences and Symposiums since 1995. Chair of the grant projects of the Russian Foundation for Basic Researches (21), Soros Foundation (1) and IEEE Foundation (1).
More information: CV (PDF)
Oleg V. Stukach
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Prof. Oleg V. Stukach
TPU, 30 Lenin Avenue
Tomsk, 634050

Senior Member, IEEE
Member of the European Microwave Association (EuMA)

Scientific Activities   Educational Activities
• Differential-Taylor Transformations Theory.
• Theory of Control.
• Microwave Picosecond Pulse Electronics.
• Mathematical Modeling in Electronics.
• Computer Measurement Technologies.
• Electronics for the Instrument Making.
• Researches in the picosecond electronics, new mathematical methods of optimal synthesis of nonlinear devices.
• Creation and development of the parametrical invariance concept as a principle of systems and devices designing.

Selected Papers

• Electronics.
• Theory of Control.
Statistical Process Control.
• Total quality Measurement in Statistica Software.
• Scientific Writing.
• Theory and Technique of the Information Security.
• Computer Science and Software.
• Methodolody of Scientific Creativity.

All courses are delivering in English and Russian.

2017–present Professor, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU)
2014–2016     Chair of Department of Computer-Aided Measurement Systems and Metrology, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU)
2009–2015     Owner, Center of the Business Optimization and Quality Management
2005–2006     Executive director, TE Tomsk Ltd.
2003–2004     Head of Marketing Dept., Alparysoft R&D
1998–2001     Post-Doctoral fellow, TUSUR
1996–2002     Head of International Relations Division, TUSUR
1993–2002     Associate Prof., Department of Radioengineering and Information Protection, TUSUR
1990–2001     Senior Research Fellow, Department of Radioengineering, TUSUR
1990–1993     Post-Graduate, TUSUR

Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR), Tomsk, Dipl. Eng., 1988 (Honours Diploma)
TUSUR, Tomsk, Cand. of Technical Sci. (Ph.D), 1993
Research experience
20+ years of research in Picosecond Technique Labs. Linear and nonlinear controllable microwave devices designing. Numerical simulation and visualization, experimental data processing. Numerical simulations and analytical studies of signal transformation in the control microwave systems. Programming for IBM PC on modern programming languages. Special knowledge and skills in the picosecond signal processing.
Main fields: electromagnetism, picosecond pulse technique (microwave amplifier and attenuator development, microwave signal processing), theory of automatic control (theory and methods of mathematical modeling in controllable microwave systems), software for microwave devices design and synthesis, the system problems in education.
More information about experience

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