The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch
of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Tomsk IEEE Chapter

Tomsk IEEE Chapter, EDS Newsletter, 2001
O.V. Stoukatch, "The ED/COM/AP/MTT/EMC Tomsk IEEE Chapter". In ED-S Newsletter, vol. 8, N 2, April 2001, pp. 17-18. - ISSN 1074 1879.

formation of the ED/COM/AP/MTT/EMC Tomsk ChapterThe IEEE activity in the Siberia Region is characterized by the words "slow progress". International conferences have been held since 1995 for motivation of scientists and specialists and to attract them to join IEEE. The last, the Sixth International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Researchers "Modern Techniques and Technology" (MTT-2000), was held at Tomsk Polytechnic University February 28-March 3, 2000. This conference, co-sponsored by EDS and supported by the Novosibirsk Joint Chapter, offered the opportunities to learn and share information on the latest advances in techniques and technology.

An increased interest in the Tomsk conferences has been clearly observed. While the SIBCONVERS-1995 conference hosted about 50 participants, MTT-2000 attendance was about 300 from 5 countries. The invited and regular papers were presented in 6 oral sessions, each session addressing key problems of modern electronic devices, radar, and modern manufacturing technologies, as well as some related topics about photo-refractive effects in crystalline media. These papers were published in a Proceedings, officially registered as an IEEE edition. Several active conference participants, both engineers and students, have been awarded for the best papers.

The workshop on ultra-wide band radar was held at the SIBCONVERS symposium. At the workshop, Professor James Taylor, well-known American specialist in the radar field, editor and co-author of the book "Introduction to Ultra-Wideband Radar Systems", gave a short course for students, post-graduate students, and young researchers. The course was very successful.

On the 1st of October, Oleg Stukach, the Tomsk Chapter Chair, took an active part in the 2000 IEEE Divisions I & IV Region 8 Chapters Meeting in Paris. It was an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with chapter activity in Region 8 and to meet colleagues.

This year, our Chapter held two technical meetings with the Student Branch, which was established on June 14, 2000. Our common aim is to attract new IEEE student members. Complete information on our activities is available at the web site. For further information please contact the Chapter Chair, Oleg Stukach.

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