The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch
of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Tomsk IEEE Chapter

IEEE Resources in Tomsk

The AP/ED/MTT/COM/EMC Tomsk ChapterTomsk is the cultural and scientific city of Siberia, and home of the oldest University of Siberia. One of the most important institutions playing a crucial role in the socio-economical development of the city of Tomsk is its universities. It offers an important educational and technological platform that scientists and students use to carry out their research and materialize their innovative ideas.

In fact, the IEEE organization offers the possibility of accessing a huge electronic library containing various kinds of materials like books, scientific articles, research papers, magazines, and online courses. These resources are essential for the achievement of scientific or technological progress. This campaign couldn't come on better time as it coincides with the period when universities in Siberia are adopting new technological means to modernize their systems. This will help them to become better equipped to face the challenges of the 21st century.

Tomsk Chapter and Student Branch will present a lot of advantages like the possibility of connecting to students all over the world to exchange information and expertise. There will be also a possibility to get, as a donation the "IEEE All Publication Package". TUSUR and TPU students can also participate in activities organized by IEEE Russia Siberia Section or by other IEEE sections, but we are also planning to organize our own activities like:

Siberian Conference on Control and Communications SIBCON
Student Paper Contest on Information Security SIBINFO
Seminar "The Intellectual Systems of Modeling, Design, and Control"
Website contest
Engineering weeks
Professional experience exhibitions of Students graduated from universities during the E-Weeks

The students involved are both graduate students and engineers. Their domain of interest cover almost all the fields treated by IEEE societies. Right now, we are looking for a wide networking effect between us and engineers from other institutes.

The activities of the Tomsk IEEE units are in a constant increase. Students are really willing to take part in the IEEE organization and contribute to the success of the strategy that aims to improve research in Tomsk. In fact, Tomsk is a city where science and technology play a very important role in the socio-economical development of the region. Therefore, the creation of the IEEE Tomsk Joint Chapter and Student Branch is very important for the success of the challenges is facing today.

IEEE is indeed one of the most prestigious, professional and technical international organization where students can evolve and develop their skills and proficiency.

The Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch promotes the scientific information, promoting the studying of English; assists a process of training and science development; actively participates in the IEEE activities. Also Tomsk IEEE Chapter hold the international events and conferences.

It always seems impossible until it's done.

Nelson Mandela

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