Every Chapter and SB Chair receive the Membership Development Toolkit.
The toolkit is a box of materials that have been developed to support
local Membership Development campaign. There are following things
in the box
Membership Brochures (higer grade and student)
Cheat Sheet - The Benefits of Membership
The IEEE Membership Development Manual
CD-ROM's "Discover the Benefits of Membership"
Member-get-a-Member Business Cards
Guides to Membership
All of these materials have been developed to help you find people that
want to be a part of the best professional organization in the world.
These materials help you answer questions regarding the cost and the
benefits of Membership. In fact, the "Cheat Sheet" is a handy two
page document that answers all of the basic questions for both new and
renewing Members. Other materials help you increase the visibility of
the IEEE at work, local IEEE events and when you talk to people one on
one. The Member-get-a-Member Business Card is an effective way to help prospective Members remember your name and how to join after you have
had a conversation with them. Please pass out these cards within your
Section and encourage all of your Members to help grow the IEEE.
IEEE Membership Development Manual is your yearly key guide to helping
grow the IEEE. Please use it to provide Membership success for your
Section and growth for the IEEE. Electronic copies of the manual can
be downloaded from the Membership Virtual Community at
We need your help to build a Membership Development Sales Team that can
help us bring back old Members and find potential new Members. Please make
sure that your Section has a Membership Development Chair and get them
connected to the world wide IEEE Membership Development program.
Each Region has a Membership Coordinator at
Get in touch with your coordinator and help us grow the IEEE. For
Membership support in general, help can be found at
IEEE provide the benefits that we have as the world's biggest and best
professional organization. So, membership development is everyone's job!