The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch
of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Tomsk IEEE Chapter

Encouraging Women into Engineering

Encouraging Women into Engineering

IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is the largest international professional organization dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists, the mission of IEEE WIE is to inspire, engage, encourage, and empower IEEE women worldwide.

The scope of interest of the WIE affinity Group is:

To gather and promote information regarding women engineering initiatives at the local, national and global levels;
To enable mentoring and education programs within IEEE and make available the information regarding the gender related educational issues. This may improve the entry of women in engineering programs;
To address ways to improve a contribution of women in IEEE and in our environment;
To increase participation and involvement of women engineers within IEEE activities.

IEEE WIE envisions a vibrant community of IEEE women and men innovating the world of tomorrow. And as the volunteers are the heart of any non-profit organizational work, our strength is a result of the time and effort provided by those who volunteer to serve their society, we are announcing volunteering opportunities in Siberian WIE Affinity group as we are working in several areas starting from Work life Balance, Social Engineering, Mentoring, networking to Unleashing kids abilities which are the direct concerns of all Siberian women engineers.

The AP/ED/MTT/COM/EMC Tomsk ChapterIf you want to become part of the WIE volunteer team, now is the time to let us know. We have volunteer opportunities at our coming conferences and programs. If you have experience, passion and a willingness to share, we hope that you will consider participating as a volunteer with us. Our goal is to have volunteer groups that represent the diversity of backgrounds, experience and demographics of our community.

Join WIE affinity group of the Russia Siberia Section! It is the best way for members with similar interests to interact and share information with each other.

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