IEEE International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON-2005)
OCTOBER 21-22, 2005
Welcome to the IEEE International Siberian
Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON-2005)
Dear colleagues,
On behalf of the Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch it is my honor to invite you to the IEEE International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications SIBCON-2005. It is aimed to offers opportunities to exchange ideas, present results of ongoing researches and share information on the latest advance in communication and control system.
The meeting celebrates its tenth anniversary continuing the best traditions of international conference SIBCON, holding since 1995 - the best meeting of scientists, working in various fields of radiophysics, electronics, and control systems.
Different levels and characters of presentations are accepted: presentation of research and scientific results, new ideas, valuable conclusions from experience, state of the art and instructive survey communications.
Tomsk is an education and research center of Siberia, where many high level universities and research institutions are located. We are convinced that if SIBCON is held in Tomsk, it will be an impetus to the development of radioelectronics in Siberia, and there will be further increase of academic exchanges and cooperation between the Siberian radioengineers and their colleagues in other countries and regions. The SIBCON application has won active support from various foundations, and our conference will be able to raise enough funds. Gratitude is also deserved for RFBR, the IEEE ComSoc and MTT-S as a technical co-sponsors.
The organizers expect this conference provided participants with an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and information about their research findings, and to refresh personal contacts and establish new ones. Please accept my highest salutation. I hope that you will enjoy the technical and cultural events prepared for you. Looking forward with the hope that you will accept our invitation, I remain friendly and sincerely yours,
Oleg Stukach
Chair of the Scientific Program Committee
Organized by
Russian Foundation for Basic Researches (RFBR)
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
The IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc IEEE)
The IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S IEEE)
Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch
The YP Affinity Group of the IEEE Siberia Section
Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU)
Department of Computer-Aided Measurement Systems and Metrology of TPU
AlparySoft Company
The conference are supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Researches (project #05-07-93013) and Tomsk IEEE Chapter.
General Information
The IEEE-Siberian conference SIBCON-2005 aims to offer opportunities to learn and to share information on the latest advances in communications and control systems. It will be held in Tomsk, the Russian Federation, on October 21-22, 2005. The conference is organized by the IEEE on a regular basis in order to promote interdisciplinary discussion and interaction among scientists and engineers with an emphasis on the IEEE membership.
The conference is organized by the Tomsk Chapter & Student Branch of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the IEEE Siberia Section's GOLD Affinity Group, Tomsk Polytechnic University by decision of the Russian Federation Ministry of Education, with support and assistance of the Russian Foundation for Basic Researches (RFBR), Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, and with the technical co-sponsorship of the IEEE Communications Society and the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society.
The general goal is providing the possibility for quick and effective acquaintance of young specialists with modern achievements of leading scientific schools from various institutes. At present, there is a growing interest of foreign universities, scientific establishments, and various firms to scientific and technical possibilities of the Siberian regions and Institutions of High Education. Therefore, the beneficial cooperation with foreign partners must be carried out on the basis of regulated information changing, joint scientific projects' organizing, and investing in science.
The Conference Topics
1. Mathematical Simulation and Modeling in Modern Technologies of Control and Information Processing.
2. Instruments, Methods and Algorithms for Measurement, Testing, and Diagnostics of Communication and Control Systems.
3. Detectors for the Testing Systems.
4. Crypto Protection of Communication.
5. Digital Video and Image Processing.
To take part at the conference, it is necessary to send to Organizing Committee the full papers and to pay the registration fee. Each participant in the count of registration fee can present not more three papers.
Advance registration is performed through sending of full paper or paying of the registration fee. Final registration of participants will be held on sessions.
The SIBCON proceedings will be published in English, containing all conference manuscripts, and will be distributed among conference participants, leading libraries, and international scientific centers. Also the conference papers will be published on the Web. All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings. Additional copies of the Proceedings can be purchased.
Please submit camera-ready manuscripts in English, with a maximum of five A5 pages (with margins at 2.5 cm, 10-point Times New Roman or similar fonts, and single spaced). The manuscripts should include the title in capital letters, authorship, and complete addresses. The paper should explain clearly the content and relevance of the proposed contribution. The authors are requested to state clearly the problem examined and the method used. Obtained results evaluation is also encouraged. The participant may include a brief professional biography, as in the IEEE journals. An electronic MS Word file of the manuscript should be sent by e-mail. In the cover letter, please include the speaker's name, job title, address for correspondence, and the manuscript's conference topic.
Please remember that it needs to sign and send to Organizing Committee the IEEE Copyright Form for every paper in Proceedings.
Publication Title is:
International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON-2005)
Submission of paper implies that the work has not been published before in its present form and that the author grants to the IEEE the copyright for publication of the paper.
Technical Program
The technical program will cover all aspects of control and communications: theory, fundamental studies, and applied studies. It will include plenary session and thematic sessions composed of oral presentations. Contributed papers will be 15 minutes in length, with 5 minutes for discussion. Invited papers will be 25 minutes, with 5 minutes for discussion. Multimedia projector will be available.
It is a good opportunity for sponsored organizations to make the advertising message and to distribute the promotional materials through organizing committee to many organizations of Russia and abroad.
Guidelines for Oral Presentations
Please note that the overall time available for your presentation is limited to 15 minutes of which 10 minutes are allowed for the actual presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. You should plan your presentation carefully. You should select your vocabulary to address as wide an audience as possible and avoid unfamiliar abbreviations or expressions. Your oral presentation should be performed IN ENGLISH and organized to answer the following questions:
Why was the project undertaken?
What was done?
What was learned?
What does it mean?
Remember, the three rules for an effective presentation are:
Tell them what you are going to say (spend a few moments introducing your topic and what you intend to speak about).
Tell them (deliver your talk, including the methods, results and conclusions)
Tell them what you said (summarize the most important points of your lecture).
Please remember that the responsibility of having your paper ready for Presentation at the scheduled time is primarily in your hands as the presenter. Check the readability, completeness and order of your slides before your presentation. Arrive well in advance of the session, and acquaint yourself with the operation of the podium and location of the equipment. Conference staff will be present to assist you. There are no scheduled breaks in the agenda so it is mandatory that the presentations be loaded before the beginning of each session.
Be careful to speak in accordance with the sequence of your slides. Avoid making major modifications to your transparencies during your presentation. Do not use more than 1 slide per minute. Please stay within the time limit allocated for your presentation.
Technical equipment provided in the Conference room are:
Multimedia video projector;
Projection screen;
Standard multimedia PC with CD-ROM drive.
The operating system for session computers is Microsoft Windows 2000 (or newer). The available software is Microsoft Office 2000 (or newer) that includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat Reader, and Windows Media Player. Therefore, all presentations must be compatible with these packages.
Slide and overhead projectors will not be available!
All information about interesting trains and planes you can receive via e-mail or telephones of the Organizing Committee. Also look at the Web,,
Transport to the place of the conference: from railway station by bus N 23, 26; from Yuzhnzya Sq. by bus N 15, 18, 22, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35; from the city center by bus N 15, 18, 22, 23, 26, 29, 32, 53 to "Lagernyi Sad" stop.
There is no problem in hotel reservation in Tomsk. The Organizing Committee has reserved sufficient number of rooms for participants for the period of the conference. To book the hotel room you don't need to pay a deposit. Room charge with bath, TV-set, and telephone is $20-40 approximately.
"Tomsk", 65 Kirova Str.; tel. (3822)-524115. On the railway station square.
"Sputnik", 15 Belinskogo Str.; tel. (3822)-526660. By bus to "University" stop.
"TGU hotel", 49 Lenin Ave., 5th floor; tel. (3822)-410246. By bus to "University" stop.
"Severnaya", 86 Lenin Ave.; tel. (3822)-512324. By bus to "TSUM" stop.
"Sibir", 91 Lenin Ave.; tel. (3822)-527225. By bus to "Glavpochtamt" stop.
Tel. for information:
540730 - Bus Station
412466 - Air Ticket Office
250084 - Airport
541940, 541941 - Railway Station "Tomsk-1"
The conference will be held in 18th building of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. Address: Per. Savinykh, 7, aud. 508 (in the building of the TPU Introscopy Institute).
TOMSK, one of the oldest Siberian town, was founded in 1604 on the high right bank of the Tom river. It is historical city of 400 years old. At present, there are 500 thousand inhabitants in Tomsk. Houses decorated with wooden lace, gold-plated church domes, the beauty of the streets creates for Tomsk the name of
a historical center of Siberia. However, despite its venerable age, Tomsk appears youthful thanks to the students and young scientists. Nowadays, there are 10 academic institutes and six higher educational universities in Tomsk. The oldest Tomsk State University has brought the glory of Siberian Athens to the town. Modern Tomsk is a large, generally acknowledged Russian educational and research center. The Tomsk experts have made a valuable contribution in the advancement of radioelectronics, precision mechanical engineering and metal working, up-to-date building industries, and automation production.
It is well known that Tomsk Universities, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other Academies, Research Institutes and Design Organizations have essential services to science and technology progress in Siberia and Russian Far East region. Educational, scientific and engineering potential of Tomsk served as a basis for the foundation of more than 20 engineering institutions, academic and scientific research institutes in Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, Kemerovo, Irkutsk, and other Siberian towns.
The Tomsk Region is a large part of Siberia. It's area is equal to 316.900 square km. This area is larger than area of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, and Switzerland all together. The Tomsk Region is a component part of the West Siberian Territory Production Complex. Here many deposits of oil, gas, iron ore, coal, peat were founded. So, petroleum extractive industry is very actively developed. Moreover, Tomsk specialists have made a valuable contribution in advancement of radioelectronics, precise mechanical engineering and metal working, up-to-date building industry, and automation means production.
The well-known Tomsk State University Library is a basis for Siberian scientists and engineers. More than three and a half million book copies written on many foreign languages and concerning very different subjects are in it's book repositories. Siberian Botanical Garden at the Tomsk State University, as one of the largest and richest garden in the world, is a scientific establishment which role and significance are constantly increased.
There are three theatres, philharmonic orchestra, museums of regional studies and fine arts, cinemas, libraries, cultural centers in Tomsk. As one of the oldest cities in Siberia, Tomsk has many architectural monuments to the past, wooden houses decorated by wood-carving. There exist numerous historical, cultural and architectural landmarks drawing visitor's attention. Like a magnet it attracts the best people of each epoch. More about Tomsk may be learned at these Web-sites:, etc.
In Siberia weather is not stability. Please, see weather information at the Web
Join us for the "YP Party" at the Bowling Club (114 Krasnoarmeiskaya Str.) from 16:00 p.m. on the 21st of October. The dinner menu includes rissole, smokehouse fish, fry bread, dessert, frozen margaritas, beer, wine and non-alcoholic beverages. Environment, dancing, and bowling are provided. There is no charge for the conference attendees, who are the IEEE members. The cost for other guests is $5.
Schedule and Scientific Program
October 21, 2005, 12.30-14.00 (508 aud., 7 Savinykh Str.)
Foreword. SIBCON Conferences
Oleg Stukach
The Usage of Mobile Agents for Management of Data Transmission in Telecommunications' Networks
Tomasz Orzechowski
AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
A Convolutional Code Decoder Design Using Viterbi Algorithm with Register Exchange History Unit
Vasily P. Pribylov, Alexander I. Plyasunov
Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Novosibirsk, Russia
Formal Interpretation of Network Tasks of Model OSI
Anton A. Kiselev, Sergei N. Novikov
Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Novosibirsk, Russia
The Construction of Wireless Network Model with Security and Performance Criteria (Security Matrix Based)
Rodion K. Sutormin
Katanov State University of Khakassia. Abakan, Russia
The Analysis of Probability-Time Characteristics of a Telecommunication Network
Sergei N. Novikov, Artyom A. Burov
Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Novosibirsk, Russia
Automatic Detection of Local and Global Software Failures
Peter Hazy, Rudolph E. Seviora
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
Design of the Steganography System Based on the Version 4 Internet Protocol
Elisei O. Savateev
Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
‘ryptographic Data Security in Wireless Networks Based on Biometrical Passport
Denis V. Vishnyakov, Anton G. Serdyukov
Katanov State University of Khakassia. Abakan, Russia
Tenzors Analysis for Investigation Next Generation Network
Dmitriy U. Ponomarev
Krasnoyarsk State Technical University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
A Protection Profile and Its Content
Oksana Solonskaya
Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Novosibirsk, Russia
Methods of Design Improvement of Balun Transformer with Additional Balancing Lines Using Microstrip Lines with Front Coupling
Sergey A. Goncharov, Valiriy I Sedinin
Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Novosibirsk, Russia
Inductive Voltage Divider Simulation In MATLAB
V.L. Kim, R.G. Dulbinov
Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
October 22, 2005, 10.30-12.00 (508 aud., 7 Savinykh Str.)
Video Deinterlacing Using Area Based Motion Estimation Algorithm
Vadim A. Afanasyev, Roman P. Khudeev
Alparysoft R&D, Tomsk, Russia
Digital Calculation of Frequency of Periodical Signal (Sinusoidal and Triangular)
Benslimane Tarak
Research Laboratory of Electrification in Industrial Enterprises, Boumerdes, Algeria
Acceleration of Algorithm of Fractal Image Compression
E.S. Pereguda
Khabarovsk State Technical University, Khabarovsk, Russia
Algorithm of Old Movies Recovery
Roman P. Khudeev
Alparysoft R&D, Tomsk, Russia
Method of Estimation of the Definition in Photo-Realistic Images
S.V. Say
Khabarovsk State Technical University, Khabarovsk, Russia
The Electric Circuit Property for Use in Blocks of Data Mining and Processing
G.I. Peredelsky, A.C. Romanchenko, U.V. Didenko
Kursk State Technical University, Kursk, Russia
October 22, 2005, 14.30-16.00 (508 aud., 7 Savinykh Str.)
Study Sensing Properties to CH4 of Pt/SnO2:Sb Thin Film Gas Sensor in Pulsing Mode
O.V. Anisimov, N.K. Maksimova, S.S. Schogol, R.V. Chernykh, E.V. Chernikov
Siberian Physics-Technical Institute, Tomsk, Russia
Diffusion of Chromium into GaAs as a Way to Detector Material Making
M.V. Ardyshev, I.A. Prudajev, S.S. Khludkov
Siberian Physics-Technical Institute, Tomsk, Russia
Detectors for the X-Ray Testing Systems
G.I. Ayzenshtat, M.D. Vilisova, M.A. Lelekov, A.I.яIvashchenko, D.Yu. Mokeev, L.P. Porokhovnichenko, O.P. Tolbanov, L.G. Shapoval
Scientific and Production State Enterprise "Semiconductor Devices Research Institute", Siberian Physics-Technical Institute, Tomsk, Russia"
Analysis of Free-Carrier Charges Distribution in the n-GaAs Monocrystals Used at Formation of the High- Resistance Material for the Ionizing Radiation Sensors
D.L. Budnitsky, O.B. Koretskaya, V.A. Novikov, O.P.яTolbanov
Siberian Physics-Technical Institute, Tomsk, Russia
Study of Particularities for Metal Contact Formation to the Semiconductor High-Resistance GaAs:Cr
D.L. Budnitsky, A.D. Lychagin, L.S. Okaevich, O.P.яTolbanov
Siberian Physics-Technical Institute, Tomsk, Russia
The Influence of Thermal Annealing on Sensitivity of Silicon MOS-Diodes to Reducing Gases
V.I. Baljuba, V.Y. Grisyk, T.A. Davidova, V.M. Kalygina, S.S. Nazarov, A.V. Panin, L.S. Khludkova
Tomsk State University, Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, Tomsk, Russia
New Photovoltaic Gamma and X-Ray Detector
G.I Ayzenshtat, M.D. Vilisova, E.P. Drugova, D.Y.яMokeev, L.P. Porokhovnichenko, V.A. Chubirko
Scientific and Production State Enterprise "Semiconductor Devices Research Institute", Siberian Physics-Technical Institute, Tomsk, Russia
The Detected Block for Systems of Nondestroying Testing Based on the GaAs Detectors
I.I. Nadreev, S.V. Kasyanov, S.A. Ryabkov, O.P. Tolbanov, A.V. Tyazhev
RID Ltd; Introscopy Institute at TPU; Siberian Physics-Technical Institute, Tomsk, Russia
Estimation of GaAs Detector System Characteristics for Low Dose Mammography
M.V. Bimatov, I. Ph. Nam, A.V. Tyazhev
Tomsk State University, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Siberian Physicotechnical University, Tomsk, Russia
Detector Structures Based on Epitaxial Gallium Arsenide Compensated by Chromium
M.D. Vilisova, O.P. Tolbanov, D.Y. Mokeev, E.P. Drugova, V.A. Chubirko, L.P. Porokhovnichenko, I.V. Ponomarev
Siberian Physics-Technical Institute, Scientific and Production State Enterprise "Semiconductor Devices Research Institute", Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
Gamma Quantum and Alpha Particle Counters Based on GaAs Detectors
M.A. Rozhnev, S.A. Ryabkov, D.Yu. Mokeev, A.V. Tyazhev, A.N. Zarubin
Siberian Physics-Technical Institute, Tomsk, Russia
Impulse Response of GaAs Radiation Imaging Detectors
A.V. Tyazhev, R.A. Ryzhov
Siberian Physics-Technical Institute, Tomsk, Russia