The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch
of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Tomsk IEEE Chapter

Report on the Student Paper Contest and Conference on the Information Security (SIBINFO-2009)

Student Paper Contest and Conference on the Information Security (SIBINFO-2009) was held on April 21–22, 2009, in Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR), Dept. of Complex Information Protection of PCs at support and participation of the Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch, financial sponsorship of the IEEE Russia Siberia Section and technical co-sponsorship of the IEEE ComSoc.

Student Paper Contest and Conference on the Information SecurityRepresentatives of the Omsk State University (Omsk), Siberia Avto University (Omsk), Perm State University (Perm), Ufa State Aero Technical University (Ufa), Udmurt State University (Izhevsk), Hackask State University (Abakan), Voronezh State Technical University (Voronezh), Taganrog State Radio Technique University (Taganrog), Chelyabinsk State University (Chelyabinsk), and TUSUR were participated.

Organizing Committee and Jury:
A.V. Kobzev, Prof., Rector; A.A. Shelupanov, Prof., Chair of Department of Development and Protection of Computer Tools of TUSUR; G.P. Agibalov, Prof., TSU; A.V. Agranovsky, Dr., Ph.D., Rostov-on-Don, E.V. Belov, Vice-Chair of the Education-Methodology Division on the Information Security; V.P. Bondarenko, Prof., TUSUR; E.D. Golovin, Chair of the YP Affinity Group of the Siberia Section; P.D. Zegzhda, Prof. SPb; A.P.Kovalenko, Rector ICSI AFSB; O.B. Makarevich, Prof. Taganrog; A.A. Maluk, Dr., Ph.D. MIPhI; R.V. Mescheriakov, Dr., TUSUR, Dr., Chair of the Tomsk IEEE Joint Chapter; N.A. Popov, Dr., SACU; O.M. Ravodin, Dr., TUSUR; M.T. Reshetnikov, Vice-Rector; S.N. Smirnov, Chair of Education-Methodology Division, IKSI AFSB; E.S. Syssoev, Vice-Chair of Tomsk Region UFSB; G.P. Chizuhin, Prof. PGU, Penza; O.V. Stukach, Dr., Chair of the YP Affinity Group of the Russia Siberia Section.

The rules of SIBINFO-2009 were compiled basing of the Student Paper Contest of IEEE Region 8. The professional jury has selected for presentation at the oral final 17 papers.

On oral presentation the authors of the best papers was awarded:

Мокеев Андрей Владимирович
Южно-Уральский государственный университет
Разработка метода синтеза главных компонент для системы распознования лиц
Никонов Вячеслав Игоревич
Омский государственный технический университет
Маршрутизируемый сервис передачи данных
Кириллов Денис Викторович
Самарский государственный университет
Механизм событийно-обусловленного делегирования и отзыва полномочий
Дьяконов Максим Юрьевич
Уфимский государственный авиационный технический университет
Интеллектуальная система защиты операционной системы на основе анализа процессов
Черепанов Алексей Валерьевич
Федеральная служба охраны РФ (академия)
Метод оценки сходства лиц на цифровых изображениях
Летахов Вячеслав Викторович
Томский государственный университет систем управления и радиоэлектроники
Электронно-цифровая подпись на матричном кольце
Перевощиков Виталий Витальевич
Российский Государственный Университет имени И. Канта
Об эффективной реализации дискретного логарифмирования на эллиптических кривых
Новиков Владимир Олегович
Кубанский государственный технологический университет
Подход к защите web-приложений, взаимодействующих с БД

The papers of winners will be published.

Student Paper Contest and Conference on the Information SecurityParticipants of contest took part in excursions to Security Technology Company, educational and scientific laboratories of TUSUR, student dormitory, and was acquainted history of Tomsk. The financial assistance of the contest was provided by Security Technology Center of TUSUR and the Russia (Siberia) Section. The contest has no continuing source of support, and relies on the initiatives of the organizer in each successive year to find a method of financial viability.
The support of IEEE, and especially the ComSoc Society, has been very important to SIBINFO. Contest promoted recruiting of new members in IEEE and in ComSoc in particular. In conclusion TUSUR thanks the IEEE Communications Society for co-sponsorship and hopes for continuation of mutually advantageous cooperation.

Student Paper Contest and Conference on the Information Security SIBINFO aims to offer opportunities to learn and to share information on the latest advances in security problems and systems. It is annual event. The contest is organized by TUSUR on a regular basis in order to promote interdisciplinary discussion and interaction among students and post-graduates with an emphasis on the IEEE membership.
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