We are inviting you to participate in a new program called ISBIR -
IEEE Student Branches Industry Relations. This initiative is launched
by more than 30 Student Branches and volunteers from Region 8. Now
the program cover all IEEE Regions offering many benefits to every
IEEE member. Program launched its actions to make IEEE better known
throughout the industrial world and promote its services and advantages.
ISBIR aims to combine all industry-related activities in one IEEE program worldwide and seeks to maximize the interaction of young members of the IEEE with industry and commerce. ISBIR offers to both the IEEE and industry members a large set of options with the objective of stimulating the interaction between them: social networking tools, CVs database, international internships and job offers, support to the initiatives with the industry and a set of protocols already established.
Some of the ISBIR benefits:
Through the ISBIR Portal, Industry and Students can easily find the best candidate or job profile for their needs;
Major participation in College activities, increasing the companies' visibility; Access to many talented people worldwide, from different engineering areas;
The more effective way in qualified Human Resources;
Worldwide company advertising and promotion;
The capacity to announce new programs, competitions, events, etc.
ISBIR Program also give support to any kind of professional activities
and projects about industry-university collaboration. Your branch
could also join to any local initiative promoting
this collaboration in the local region like
science parks, professional projects and
incubation centers.
Main aim of ISBIR is to combine all
industry-related activities of SBs in one program
and establish a platform that people can share
their best-practice or problems and IEEE members
can benefit many opportunities that industry
offers. Our basic goal is to activate and
encourage SBs to become an effective vehicle to
introduce advantages of IEEE by forming strong and
permanent relations with industry. At this point,
SBs play an important role by arranging professional activities and
meetings with executives, by establishing their internal
formations about industry relations and by
bringing several opportunities to IEEE members.
Probably, there are many companies in your region
unaware of IEEE and its local and international
advantages. Within the ISBIR program, your branch
will observe industry needs and report us with the
support of your section and university.
You will determine strategic action
plans with the company by matching demands and
services both your IEEE SB and company can offer.
In addition to the advantages of IEEE, your branch
could also offer local advantages to the company.
We will guide SBs on how to prove managers that
companies can convert the advantages of IEEE to
their own advantage by human resources and
consultancy means.
With ISBIR, the opportunities served by the industry will add value to
the IEEE network. ISBIR
Portal is the key point where you can access almost everything about
the program. All information, applications and actions are available
online. The first step to enjoying the benefits of the program is
filling in the application forms.
Student branches, industry representatives,
IEEE members can all be involved in the program by filling in these
applica-tion forms. Once you submit your application, there is a
variety of things you can do: uploading your CVs, publishing your
job advertisements, sharing your experiences and questions on forums
and many more. Moreover, ISBIR Support Subprograms are awaiting applicant
student branches to provide them with funding, publications, consultancy,
speaker supports for their actions. For further information and applications,
you can visit the ISBIR Portal right now at: http://www.isbir.org.
ISBIR Team is eager to support IEEE volunteers from all around the
world! As a valued IEEE member, you can contribute to IS-BIR not
just by getting involved in it but also by sending your suggestions.
If local section of your country can assign an
Industry Relations Officer, both your section and
branch can benefit from the advantages of ISBIR
program. Also, we suggest to establish an advisory
board consisting of industry, academic, student
and IEEE representatives so that your branch or
section can consult to advisory board in order to
find solutions and offer suggestions to your
regional matters and problems you have encountered
while forming your network with industry.
In brief, ISBIR program will give your branch the
chance of benefiting from many advantages
including career opportunities, financial support
and common industrial and technical projects. Do
not hesitate to contact us about anything related
to industry relations!
During Student Branches Congress 2006 in Paris, a
workshop called Industry Relations from SB aspect
was organized. This workshop was the first
step to achieve ISBIR Program goals. SB officers
have had the chance to share their best practice and
problems about industry relations.
ISBIR network platform established during the
congress will be carried after SBC Paris 2006 to
online platform. We are now taking the support of
Region 8 Student Activities Committee and Industry
Relations Committee both for ISBIR program and
workshop content. We will get a full ISBIR package
prepared for you during the congress. You will get
all necessary information and guidance manuals in
the congress for your branch and your section
related to industry relations.