Tomsk Joint Chapter & Student Branch is partnering with IEEE, Tomsk Polytechnic University and Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics to bring a fun and useful events as SIBCON and SIBINFO conferences. You are cordially invited to attend the events. It is a great way to learn more about Tomsk Chapter activities. On our site please find pages that provides more information on every event.
TC&SB annually hold a resume workshop to help its members improve or start a professional technical resume. Tips, pointers, and useful stories will be provided to assist members. Refreshments and lunch provided by the Chapter. Admittance is free. The meeting begins with a short presentation, a few examples, and then we will help students one on one.
Tomsk Joint Chapter & Student Branch has always been one of the most active societies. Our undivided dedication and objective for the past five years has always been focused on serving our members and helping our university mould professional, productive and innovative engineers. In the effort to realize our goals, our student branch has relentlessly organized numerous activities to provide wide exposure to all the students and at the same time prepare them for the real world.
We try and plan as many activities as the students will attend. We plan tours, recruiting presentations, lectures etc. Companies as well as faculties present for us through out the year. Have an activity!