The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch
of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Tomsk IEEE Chapter

Selected Papers of Oleg Stukach
O.V. Stoukatch, E.D. Golovin, "Microwave Devices with Invariance Characteristics". In "PIERS - Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium", 2001, July 18-22, Osaka, Japan, p. 133.

E.D. Golovin, O.V. Stoukatch, "Solving of Equations of Nonlinear Circuits and Control Systems Basing of Differential Transformations". In ISTET'01 Proceedings - XI International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering. August 19-22, 2001, Linz, Austria. Volume 1 of 2, pp. 329-330.

S.P. Lukjanov, A.S. Shostak, V.V. Zagoskin, O.V. Stoukatch, "About Possibility of Electrophysical Characteristics Determination of the High Ground Layers by Reflection Factor Measuring of the Vertical and Horizontal Polarization Ultra-Wideband Microwave Signals". In PIERS - Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium. Proceedings. Osaka, Japan, 18-22 July, 2001, p. 627.

S.P. Lukjanov, A.S. Shostak, V.V. Zagoskin, O.V. Stukach, "Control of the Radiowave Parameters of Upper Ground Layers on a Corner of Wave Electrical Vector, Extending Along the Plane Separating Media Boundary". In PIERS - Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium. Proceedings. Osaka, Japan, 18-22 July, 2001, p. 628.

A.S. Shostak, S.P. Lukianov, A.R. Duma, V.V. Zagoskin, O.V. Stukach, "Investigations of the Influence of the Dielectric Properties of Media on the Frequency Characteristics of the Two Antenna System". Journal of Radio Electronics. 2001. N 6.

O.V. Stoukatch, "Classical Theory of Control as Important Source of the Management Decisions". In ESYE - Extra Skills for Young Engineers. Proceedings. Maribor, Slovenia, October 17-19, 2001, pp. 37-39.

O.V. Stoukatch, "The ED/COM/AP/MTT/EMC Tomsk IEEE Chapter". In ED-S Newsletter, vol. 8, N 2, April 2001, pp. 17-18.

O.V. Stoukatch, "Report from the International Conference on Modern Techniques and Technology (MTT'2001)". In ED-S Newsletter, vol. 8, N 3, July 2001, pp. 16.

O.V. Stoukatch, "Tomsk (Russia) Student Branch". In IEEE R8 Newsletter, vol. 4, N 4, November 2001, p. 16.

E.D. Golovin, O.V. Stoukatch, "The Use of Orthogonal Polynomials in the Differential Transformations". In Modern Techniques and Technology, MTT 2001. Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Post-graduates and Young Scientists, 26 Feb. - 2 March 2001, Tomsk Polytechnic University, pp. 105-108.

O.V. Stoukatch, E.D. Golovin, "The Phase Invariance P-I-N Diode Attenuator". The 11th Conference on Microwave Technique COMITE 2001. Conference Proceedings. September 18-19, 2001, University of Pardubice, the Czech Republic, pp. 237-239.

E.D. Golovin, O.V. Stoukatch, "The wireless Optical Home Link". In "PIERS - Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium", 2001, July 18-22, Osaka, Japan, p. 687.

E.D. Golovin, O.V. Stoukatch, "The use of exponential-differential transformations in solving of the nonlinear circuits and control systems equations". In Proceedings of 2nd Annual Siberian Russian Student Workshops and Tutorials on Electron Devices and Materials EDM-2001. September, p. 138-139.

O.V. Stoukatch, E.D. Golovin, "The Use of Differential Transformations in Modeling of Communication Systems". In SIBCOM - the IEEE-Siberian Workshop "Modern Communication Technologies". Proceedings. Tomsk, November 28-29, 2001, pp. 63-67.

O.V. Stoukatch, "The Darlington Amplifier with Extended Frequency Band". In Siberian Russian Workshop and Tutorials on Electron Devices and Materials EDM'2002". Workshop Proceedings. Novosibirsk, July 2002, vol. 2, p. 3.

O.V. Stoukatch, E.D. Golovin, "The ED/COM/AP/MTT/EMC Tomsk IEEE Chapter". In ED-S Newsletter, vol. 9, N 3, July 2002, pp. 16-17.

O.V. Stoukatch, "Picosecond Amplifiers With Invariance of the Pulse Risetime and Gain",. In IEEE-Siberian Conference on Electron Devices and Materials SIBEDEM-2002. - Tomsk, March 19-20, 2002, p. 77-82.

O.V. Stoukatch, L.P.Ligthart, "P-i-n Diode Attenuator with Small Phase Shift for Ultra-Wideband Pulse Subsurface Geo-Radar". In 32 European Microwave Week. 2002, 23-27 September. Milan, pp. 1065-1067.

O.V. Stoukatch, E.D. Golovin, "Simulation of Physical Processes Using Differential-Chebyshev Transformations". In Izvestiya Tomskogo Politehnicheskogo Universiteta. 2003. No 2., vol. 306, pp. 12-15.

Igor N. Efimov, Evgeniy D. Golovin, Oleg V. Stoukatch, "Exactitude of the Electronic Devices Analysis by the Differential Transformations Method". In "Fourth Siberian Russian Workshop and Tutorials on Electron Devices and Materials EDM'2003". Workshop Proceedings. Novosibirsk, 1-4 July 2003, pp. 150-151.

A. Sidelnikov, O. Stoukatch, R. Hudeev, "Intelligent Noise Reduction Algorithm and Software". In the IEEE-Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON-2003). Proceedings. Tomsk: The Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch. Russia, Tomsk, October 1-2, 2003, pp. 87-88.

Evgeniy D. Golovin, Oleg V. Stoukatch, "Usage of Orthogonal Polynomials at Calculation of Transfer Processes in Electric Circuits with Variable Parameters Using Differential Transformations". In "Fourth Siberian Russian Workshop and Tutorials on Electron Devices and Materials EDM'2003". Workshop Proceedings. Novosibirsk, 1-4 July 2003, pp. 152-157.

O.V. Stoukatch, "Formation of GOLD Group in Siberia Section". In IEEE R8 Newsletter, vol. 6, N 3, September 2003, p. 23.

O.V. Stoukatch, "Theory and Design of the Experimental Super-Broadband Digital Attenuator". In the Proceedings of the European Microwave Week, 2003, 6-10 October, ICM, Munich, Germany. London, Horizon House Publications, pp. 281-283.

O.V. Stoukatch, "P-i-n Diode Broadband Phase Invariant Attenuator". In the Proceedings of APMC - Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, November 4-7, 2003, Seoul, South Korea, vol. 1, pp. 464-466.

O.V. Stoukatch, "The Base Module of Picosecond Amplifier with Risetime Invariance". In the Proceedings of APMC - Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, November 4-7, 2003, Seoul, South Korea, vol. 1, pp. 190-192.

O.V. Stoukatch, E.D. Golovin, "The AP/ED/EMC/MTT/COM Tomsk Joint Chapter & Student Branch". In ED-S Newsletter, vol. 10, N 1, January 2003, p. 16.

O.V. Stoukatch, "First official GOLD IEEE-Siberian Conference on Control and Communications SIBCON-2003". In IEEE R8 Newsletter, vol. 6, N 2, May 2003, p. 17.

S.P. Lukjanov, R.A. Stepanov, O.V. Stoukatch, "Diagnostics of Upper Layer on a Surface of Half-Infinite Media by the Ultra-Wideband Vector Radar Methods". In Proceedings of the 10-th IMEKO TC7 International Symposium on Advances of Measurement Science (June 30-July 2, 2004, Saint-Petersburg, Russia), Vol. 2, pp. 361-364.

O.V. Stoukatch, "ED Tomsk Student Branch". In IEEE R8 Newsletter, vol. 7, N 1, January 2004, p. 18-19.

O. Stoukatch, A. Shelupanov, and E. Golovin, "Student Paper Contest on Information Security SIBINFO". In IEEE Communications Magazine, February 2004. Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 27-30.

O.V. Stoukatch, "Student Paper Contest on Information Security". In IEEE R8 Newsletter, vol. 7, N 3, September 2004, p. 9.

O.V. Stoukatch, "The Linear Theory and Engineering Design of the Phase Invariant Controlled Attenuator". In the Proceedings of the European Microwave Week, 2004, 11-15 October, RAI, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. London, Horizon House Publications, pp. 209-212.

O.V. Stukach, "Formation of the Tomsk IEEE Chapter and Student Branch". Engineering Education. - 2004. - No 2. Pp. 180-183. - ISSN 1810-2883.

O.V. Stukach, "GOLD in Siberia". In IEEE R8 Newsletter, vol. 8, N 1, January 2005, p. 5.

O.V. Stukach, "Speeding Up of Characteristics of the Ultra-Wideband Darlington Amplifier". Izvestiya Tomskogo Politehnicheskogo Universiteta. 2005. No 6, vol. 308, pp. 150-152. - ISSN 1684-8519.

Evgeniy D. Golovin, Oleg V. Stukach, "Advanced Large Distance Optical Free-Space Link on the Infrared Diode in Nanosecond Pulsed Mode". In the IEEE International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON-2005). Proceedings. Tomsk: The Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch. Russia, Tomsk, October 21-22, 2005, pp. 126-134. - ISBN 0-7803-9219-1.

O.V. Stukach, "Statistic Simulation of Quality Evaluation of Specialists' Training in Information Technologies". Informatics and Control Systems. - 2005. - N 1. - Pp. 175-181. - ISSN 1814-2400.

O.V. Stukach, "Condition of Minimal Dependence of Phase Shift on the Gain-Frequency Characteristics with Variable Conditions". Izvestiya Tomskogo Politehnicheskogo Universiteta. 2005. No 4, vol. 308, pp. 157-160. - ISSN 1684-8519.

O.V. Stoukach, "The AP/ED/MTT/COM/EMC Tomsk Chapter". In ED-S Newsletter, vol. 12, N 2, April 2005, p. 25. - ISSN 1074 1879.

O.V. Stukach, "Characterization of the Nonlinear FET Model in the Mode of Amplitude Pulse Invariance". Sixth International Siberian Workshop and Tutorials on Electron Devices and Materials EDM-2005. Workshop Proceedings. Erlagol, 1-5 July 2005, pp. 187-188. - ISBN 5-7782-0491-4. - ISSN 1815-3712.

O.V. Stukach, "The AP/ED/MTT/COM/EMC Tomsk Chapter". In ED-S Newsletter, vol. 12, N 3, July 2005, p. 21-22. - ISSN 1074 1879.

N.A. Volkova, O.V. Stukach, "The Cluster Analysis of Sociological Interrogation of Employers". Vestnik Ulianovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. - 2005. - N 2. - ะก. 68-72.

O.V. Stukach, "Statistic simulation of quality evaluation of specialists' training in information technologies". Informatics and control systems. - 2005. - N 1. - Pp. 175-181. - ISSN 1814-2400.

O.V. Stukach, "Role of the Institute IEEE in decision of Problem of IT Experts Training". Educational Technology & Society. 2005. Vol. 8. N 2. Pp. 253-256. - ISSN 1436-4522.

O.V. Stukach, "Condition of Minimal Dependence of Phase Shift on the Gain-Frequency Characteristics with Variable Conditions". Izvestiya Tomskogo Politehnicheskogo Universiteta. 2005. No 4, vol. 308, pp. 157-160 - ISSN 1684-8519.

O.V. Stukach, "Siberia Section of the IEEE as Professional Community". Educational Technology & Society. 2005. - Vol. 8. N 3. Pp. 237-241. - ISSN 1436-4522.

Evgeniy D. Golovin, Oleg V. Stukach, "Advanced Large Distance Optical Free-Space Link on the Infrared Diode in Nanosecond Pulsed Mode". In the IEEE International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON-2005). Proceedings. Tomsk: The Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch. Russia, Tomsk, October 21-22, 2005, pp. 126-134. - ISBN 0-7803-9219-1.

O.V. Stukach, "Speeding Up of Characteristics of the Ultra-Wideband Darlington Amplifier". Izvestiya Tomskogo Politehnicheskogo Universiteta. 2005. No 6, vol. 308, pp. 150-152. - ISSN 1684-8519.

O.V. Stukach, "The AP/ED/MTT/COM/EMC Tomsk Chapter". In ED-S Newsletter, 2005, vol. 12, N 3 (July), p. 21-22. - ISSN 1074 1879.

O.V. Stukach, "The AP/ED/MTT/COM/EMC Tomsk". In ED-S Newsletter, 2006, vol. 13, N 2 (April), p. 27. - ISSN 1074 1879.

O.V. Stukach, "Signal-Parametric Invariance of Control Systems". Problemi Upravleniya. 2006. N 2. Pp. 47-49. - ISSN 1819-3161.

O.V. Stukach, "Tomsk Student Branch, Russia: Tomsk Bowled Over by SIBCON Success". In IEEE Region 8 Newsletter, vol. 9, N 2, June 2006, p. 11.

O.V. Stukach, "Variable Attenuator with Low Phase Shift". In the Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Wireless Technology. - Manchester, UK, 10-12 September 2006. - P. 241-244. - ISBN 2-9600551-5-2. - IEEE Cat. N 06EX1407.

O.V. Stukach, "The Use of the Recourses of the International Professional Societies for Development of the Education Innovative Technologies". Engineering Education. 2007. Issue 4. Pp. 100-105. - ISSN 1810-2883.

Information Technologies of the Standardization and Certification: Textbook / O.V. Stukach, D.V. Baranov. Second ed. Tomsk, TPU , 2007. - 195 p.

P.V. Martyusheva, O.V. Stukach, "The Cluster Analysis as a Tool of Quality Management for the Sociological Questionnaire in Industry". Papers of the Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics". 2007. Issue 1(15). - Pp. 71-76. - ISSN 1818-0442.

O.V. Stukach, "Formation of the IEEE Siberia Section". Journal of Radio Electronics. 2007. N 7.

O.V. Stukach, "Signal and Parametrical Invariance of the Radio Engineering Devices: Monograph". Tomsk, TUSUR, 2007. 230 p. - ISBN 5-86889-371-9.

O.V. Stukach, "Modeling of attenuator structures on field effect transistors with minimal phase shift at attenuation regulation". Izvestiya Tomskogo Politehnicheskogo Universiteta. 2007. No 4, vol. 311, pp. 95-98. - ISSN 1684-8519.

O.V. Stukach, "The Factor and Regression Modeling of the Variable State Devices in the Statistica System". - Izvestiya Tomskogo Politehnicheskogo Universiteta. - 2007. - No 5, vol. 311, pp. 55-59. - ISSN 1684-8519.

O.V. Stukach, "Decision of the Identification Problem Based on Differential Transformation". Vestnik Yuzhno-Uralskogo Gosudarsstvennogo Universiteta. Computer Technologies, Control, and Electronics. 2007. Issue 6. N 23(95). - Pp. 60-62. - ISSN 1991-976X.

V.N. Borikov, O.V. Stukach, E.A. Popova, "Control of the Microplasma Process in Electrolyte Solutions Based on STATISTICA Model". IEEE International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON-2007). Proceedings. - Tomsk: The Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch. Russia, Tomsk, April 20-21, 2007. - Pp. 58-63. - IEEE Catalog N 07EX1367. - ISBN 1-4244-0346-4.

S.P. Lukjanov, R.A. Stepanov, I.A. Chernyi, O.V. Stukach, "Use of the Ground Penetrating Radar Methods for Paleontology on Example of the Mammoth Fauna Investigation". Proceedings of the 4th European Radar Conference. - Munich, Germany, 10-12 October 2007. - P. 468-471. - ISBN: 978-2-87487-004-0. - EuMA 978-2-87487-004-0.

O.V. Stukach, "The Signal-Parametrical Invariance as a New Direction of the Disturbance Decoupling Problem". IEEE International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON-2007). Proceedings. - Tomsk: The Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch. Russia, Tomsk, April 20-21, 2007. - Pp. 37-50. - IEEE Catalog N 07EX1367. - ISBN 1-4244-0346-4.

O.V. Stukach, "Siberia hosts Control and Comms conference". In IEEE Region 8 Newsletter, vol. 10, N 3, December 2007, p. 5.

O.V. Stukach, "IEEE-Siberian Conference SIBCON-2007 in Tomsk, Russia". In IEEE EMC-S Newsletter, Summer 2007, p. 23.

The Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch promotes the scientific information, promoting the studying of English; assists a process of training and science development; actively participates in the IEEE activities. Also Tomsk IEEE Chapter hold the international events and conferences.


The hallmark of engineering is creation, which is the indispensable link to prosperity and technological innovation

Cleon Anderson, 2005 IEEE President


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