The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch
of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Tomsk IEEE Chapter
The Tomsk-IEEE Seminar "The Intellectual Systems of Modeling, Design and Control"

March 14, 2009

1. E.N. Pivkin, "Mathematical Models and Methods of Estimation of Security Level of the Information objects of Territorial Tax Service of the Altay Region".
2. E. Moshnikov, "Means and Methods of the Technical Information Protection".

March 28, 2009

1. M.I. Melnikov, "Development of the Automated Control System of the Distributed Elevators Based on the Wireless Technologies".
2. E.Yu. Kostyuchenko, "Processing of the Natural-Vocal Information Based on the Neural Networks".

April 11, 2009

R.V. Mescheriakov, "Methods and Algorithms of the Intellectual Support of Decision-Making Based on the Dialogue Model".

April 25, 2009

V.D. Zykov, "Typical Structure of the Personal Medical Data Protection".

May 30, 2009

D.N. Kolegov, "Discretionary Model of the Computer System Protection by the Functionally or Parametrical Associated Points".

June 23, 2009

D.V. Solomatov, "Algorithms and Software of the Atmospheric Correction of the Satellite IR-Measurements Based on RTM-Method".

September 26, 2009

P.A. Renzhin, "Copyright by Method of the Latent Embedding Images in Video Data by Random Parts".

October 10, 2009

E.A. Moshnikov, "Acousto-Electrical Transformation in Devices as a Channel of the Information Leakage".

October 31, 2009

E.Yu. Kostyuchenko, " Algorithms, Criteria and Software for the Biometric Information Processing Based on the Neural Networks".
M.A. Sopov, "Models and Technique of the Personal Data Protection in Academia".

November 7, 2009

S.S. Yerokhin, "Audit of the Information Safety of the Electronic Commerce Organization".
V.V. Marchenko, "Mathematical and Software Maintenance in a Problems of Children Rehabilitation".

December 19, 2009

A.V. Lavygina, "Algorithms and Software of Identification of Fuzzy Models Based on Hybrid Methods".

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