The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Tomsk IEEE Chapter & Student Branch
of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Tomsk IEEE Chapter
The Tomsk-IEEE Seminar "The Intellectual Systems of Modeling, Design and Control"

March 1

Y.A. Shkredov, "Automation of Elevators Dispatching Systems".

March 2

1. S.A. Neymysheva, "Identification and Authentication Model Based on Steganography Algorithms".
2. O.A. Dushanina, "The Main Aspects of the Personal Data Security in Corporate Systems Using".

March 16

A.K. Lukyanov, "Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Reconstruction of Total CO2 on GOSAT Satellite Data".


1. D.V. Kruchinin, "Tests of Primality of Natural Numbers Based on a Logarithmic Generating Functions".
2. O.O. Evsyutin, "Student Paper Contest and Conference on the Information Security (SIBINFO) Organization".

April 27

1. V.G. Mironova, "Program and Method for Constructing the Model of Security Threats of Confidential Information for Nuclear Industry".
2. R.I. Galin, "Methods for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Government Service Delivery in the Area of Youth Policy".

May 25

1. I.V. Gorbunov, "Algorithms and Software and Tools for Identification of Parameters of Fuzzy Systems Based on Hybrid Method of Bee Colonies".
2. D.S. Sinkov, "Algorithms and Software Tools for Identification of Fuzzy Systems Based on Method of Particle Swarm".

June 8

1. E.T. Ageeva, "Numerical-analytical Method for Modeling of the Informational Channel State with Perturbed Parameters".
2. P.V. Pletnev, "Algorithms and Methods of Propositional Algebra for Assessment of Threats and Risks of Informational Security".

June 22

1. Hoang Van Kuet, "Research and Development of Methods for Security Supporting of Semantic Databases".
2. M.V. Engel, "Algorithms and Software of Information Systems for Calculation of the Characteristics of Atmosphere Needed for Atmospheric Correction of Satellite Images".

September 21

1. I.N. Shishkin, "Using of Remote Sensing Data for the Identification and Monitoring of Forest Fires".
2. I.V. Gorbunov, "Algorithms and Software and Tools for Identification of Parameters of Fuzzy Systems Based on Hybrid Method of Bee Colonies".


O.N. Vilegzhanin, "Mathematical Processing of Experiment Results on the Basis of Operators Projectors and Procedures of the Recurrence Pseudo-Requests".

October 5

1. A.S. Kovtun, "The Implementation of the System for Monitoring Network Equipment Using the Methods of Forecasting".
2. A.K. Lukyanov, "Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Reconstruction of Total CO2 According GOSAT Satellite Instrument".

October 12

1. D.S. Sinkov, "Algorithms and Software for the Identification of Fuzzy Systems Based on the Method of Swarming Particles".
2. A.V. Ahaev, "Algorithms and Software Tools for Building Expert Systems for Software Selection".


1. A.G. Sizov, "Information system for assessing the level of health and quality of the social life of older people and people with disabilities".
2. A.K. Lukyanov, "Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Reconstruction of total CO2 According GOSAT Satellite Instrument".

October 26

M.V. Engel, "Algorithms and Software of Information Systems for Calculation of the Characteristics of Atmosphere Needed for Atmospheric Correction of Satellite Images".

November 16

1. S.V. Kirsanov, "Technique for Estimation of Information Security of Objects of Information and Telecommunication Infrastructure of Gas Industry APCS".
2. D.A. Suranova, "Methods, Algorithms and Software Complex for Simulation of Personalized Speech Interaction Between Operator and Computer".

November 30

1. P.V. Malinin, "Application of Projection Methods of Multidimensional Data Analysis for Voice Identification".
2. Hoang Van Kuet, "Research and Development of Tool for Security Support of Semantic Data Base Operation".

December 7

1. A.V. Borovkov, "Algorithms and Software Tools for Building a Pareto Optimal Fuzzy Classifiers".
2. I.A. Rakhmanenko, "Basic Methods and Problems in the Sphere of Speaker Identification by Voice".

December 14

1. D.S. Sinkov, "Algorithms and Software for the Identification of Fuzzy Systems Based on the Method of Swarming Particles".
2. M.A. Sopov, "Protection Estimation Technique for Distributed Systems of Certification Centers".

December 21

1. D.A. Suranova, "Algorithms and Software Complex for Simulation of Personalized Natural Speech Interaction Between Operator and Computer".
2. S.V. Kirsanov, "Technique for Estimation of Information Security of Objects of Information and Telecommunication Infrastructure of APCS of Gas Transportation Companies".

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